Mercuri Trading

Used Commercial Meat Needle Tenderiser - Butcher Power
This tenderiser is in great working condition. It is a fully automatic meat tend....

Used Commercial Poultry Chicken Cone Deboning Cut Up Line - Unimasz
This poultry cutting line is in good working condition. It allows for convenient....

Used Commerical Meat Slicer Machine - MHS IC700/24B
This slicer is in good working condition. It comes with a long outfeed conveyor.....

Used Commerical Meatball Former - Stork Titan TVM 004
This former is in good condition. Suitable for the low pressure forming of meatb....

Used Commercial Stainless Steel Twin Paddle Mixer Auger - 4000L
This mixer is in great working condition. The electronics were refurbished in 20....

Used Industrial Large Rotary Drum Mixer Tumbler - 5.5 Cubic Metre
This mixer is in good working condition. It has a large capacity of approximatel....

Used Industrial Twin Shaft Paddle Asphalt Mixer Declumper - 1500L
This mixer is in good working condition. It is a solid unit driven by a large SE....

Used Ventilation Exhaust Centrifugal Blower Fan - 7.5kW
This blower is in great working condition. It is belt driven by a 7.5kW motor. G....

Used Stainless Steel Vessel Tank - 250L
This vessel is in great condition. It is made out of stainless steel. It is easy....

Used Centrifugal End Suction Pump - Calpeda NMM 1/AE
This pump is in great working condition. Comes with valves, fittings and hose at....

Used Stainless Steel Incline Conveyor - 1.6m High
This conveyor is in great working condition. It s made out of stainless steel wi....

Used Large Stainless Steel Mixer Mixing Tank - 3000L
This mixer is in good working condition. The tank is made from stainless steel. ....