Mercuri Trading

Used Commercial Meat Needle Tenderiser - Butcher Power
This tenderiser is in great working condition. It is a fully automatic meat tend....

Used Commercial Poultry Chicken Cone Deboning Cut Up Line - Unimasz
This poultry cutting line is in good working condition. It allows for convenient....

Used Commerical Meat Slicer Machine - MHS IC700/24B
This slicer is in good working condition. It comes with a long outfeed conveyor.....

Used Commerical Meatball Former - Stork Titan TVM 004
This former is in good condition. Suitable for the low pressure forming of meatb....

Used Industrial Waste Metal Recovery Separator Sorting Line - Steinert
This line is in good working condition. It came from a recycling plant and was u....

Used High Pressure Centrifugal Blower Fan - Aerotech - 11kW
This blower is in great working condition. Driven by a large 3 Phase motor. Make....

Used Commercial Meat Mincer Self Feeding Grinder - Wolfking SFG 400/200
This mincer is in great working condition. The hopper is equipped with a paddle ....

Used Commercial Meat Mincer Mixer Grinder - Meissner SR160/2M
This mincer is in great working condition. It is designed to thoroughly blend in....

Used Commercial Stainless Steel Twin Paddle Mixer - 1000L - Wolff
This mixer is in great working condition. It is the ideal machine for small-medi....

Used Commercial Nitrogen Roll-In Freezer - Kuleg FG850
This freezer is in working condition. We have two of these units available at th....

Used Commerical Horizontal Meat Slicer - Equimex HS 1000-1S 2008
This slicer is in great working condition. The Horizontal Slicer HS 1000-1S slic....

Used Commerical Horizontal Meat Slicer - Equimex HS 1000-1S 2006
This slicer is in great working condition. The Horizontal Slicer HS 1000-1S slic....