Mercuri Trading

Used Fixed Raised Platform Steel Ladder - 1.52m high
This platform is in good condition, made from steel. It is designed to be bolted....

Used Heat Shrink Wrap Wrapping Machine - ITT Jetpak EKH-455
This heat shrink machine is in great working condition. Seal only, or seal and s....

Used Heat Shrink Wrap Wrapping Machine - Turbopack APH-455
This heat shrink machine is in good working condition. Seal only, or seal and sh....

Used Commerical Meat Slicer Machine - MHS IC700/24B
This slicer is in good working condition. It comes with a long outfeed conveyor.....

Used Commerical Meatball Former - Stork Titan TVM 004
This former is in good condition. Suitable for the low pressure forming of meatb....

Used Industrial Waste Metal Recovery Separator Sorting Line - Steinert
This line is in good working condition. It came from a recycling plant and was u....

Used High Pressure Centrifugal Blower Fan - Aerotech - 11kW
This blower is in great working condition. Driven by a large 3 Phase motor. Make....

Used Large Stainless Steel Mixer Mixing Tank - 3000L
This mixer is in good working condition. The tank is made from stainless steel. ....

Used White Bulk Bag Unloader Frame With Jib
This frame is in great condition. The height is adjustable to suit a wide variet....

Used Roller Conveyor with Adjustable Tilt Angle - 1.5m Long
This conveyor is in good usable condition. The angle of the roller section is ad....

Used Industrial 4 Blade Fan - 1165mm Diameter
This fan is in good working order. It is a 4 blade fan with a diameter of 1165mm....

Used Stainless Steel High Shear Emulsifier Batch Mixer Tank - 400L - Mixquip
This mixer is in excellent working condition. The tank is high quality and has a....